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Special Sessions

Malacology: from ecosystem services to one health promotion

Lenita de Freitas Tallarico (Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, Brasil)
Sonia Barbosa dos Santos (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Sthefane D’Ávila (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brasil)

Molluscs play different prominent roles on our planet, encompassing a wide range of functionalities, from ecological issues, such as energy transfer, nutrient cycling and bioindicators of environmental conditions, to food production, as disease vectors and in the prospecting for natural products. Additionally, they are present in important aspects of human cultures, such as ornamental objects, currency of exchange and in the rites of traditional communities. In this special session, we will address relevant aspects developed in the environmental, health and educational areas, with the aim of bringing necessary elements for knowledge, scientific dissemination and protection of these organisms, since not only the species themselves are conserved, but also the various services ecosystems that they provide and in this way, all the information generated is of great importance for the management of molluscs with high value in the different ecosystems in which they inhabit.

Topics to be covered in this session:

  1. Promoters of ecosystem services
  2. Conservation of species and habitats
  3. Cultural and educational aspects
  4. Environmental impact assessments
  5. Prospecting for natural products